We have one life to really live here now and love here now... let's find out the best of 'what, who, where, and how'...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Whiteflash Leads Me to a Blueflash Star!

Yes, a friend of this blog and someone who knows our students through a French cafe connection was there in the setting, and she helped considerably.  But it was pure Whiteflash that delivered this one...

Several nights ago I watched the last twenty minutes of a documentary on TV about the Liberty Tree and how Bob Taylor of Taylor Guitars saved that famous, historic tree's wood to make a series of heritage one of a kind guitars from its precious old wood...tulip poplar.  He took a big risk, invested and when the first finished specimen was ready, his team assembled and Bob could hear the immense sound, the decision was right.

Bob Taylor from 17 years old had the vision of a guitar company, now it is over 35 years old, one of California's great companies, one of the best guitar makers in the world.

I had been looking and searching for someone who could be our Commencement speaker, each year that is my job, and I often go down to the wire, putting my full faith in the idea that someone will appear who is perfect for us and our student graduates, and it usually happens.

I was watching that show on TV,  BY ACCIDENT, haha!!!  The thought hit me to invite Bob Taylor.  The next morning, I made a visit to his company, met Bob, and he agreed.  It will be a great day for all!

Someone asked me if I got the idea through my blog friend, who happens to work for Bob's company?  The true answer is no, this individual helped me to meet Bob, and has been very supportive, but it had to do with my accidentally seeing the TV documentary about the Liberty Tree guitars and how Bob had the vision to make them.

No more time... will be a great day for all!

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