We have one life to really live here now and love here now... let's find out the best of 'what, who, where, and how'...

Friday, February 26, 2010

Send a wish to Amy...

Last New Years' Eve, I picked up the Pittsburgh Post Gazette newspaper. There was Amy Ambrusco with her story of 2009....her losing her two young children in a senseless auto accident. She is blogging from her heart and soul and it hit me very hard....the press has also noticed what a big thing this blog is in her life in working out her grief....

The inner workings and inner wordings and inner life of Amy were engrossing...I started my blog "" that very night on Amy's inspiration that I received....she gets lots of friends and strangers giving support and now to a unique memorial to the beautiful two lost children...

I have sent some of my best words and feelings of support. It helps my strength to know Amy this way, to see how she is getting up from being down...

Many, many around the country have also noticed and come into the circle of friends.
You will find the blog if you use Google and just put on 'callapitter"...get ready to get real....

Amy, you do lots for folks like me and friends...your strength takes us up, with you, not down...

Keep sharing and we will watch and help your path....
Mike from San Diego
PS You gave me the impetus to do my blog that next day...""
:Like you, I use it late at night to work out of me my wishes and peak moments I see around everyday life...Thanks!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

From the Cockpit....It's Still Good to Know Your Pilot

On my flight yesterday back home from Asia on my airline of choice United, I learned that one of my favorite things about flying had been cancelled....the Captain's talk from the cockpit with air traffic. Channel 9. Something about the one guy who used it to track his plane's position before tring to light his we all lose out because of one bad apple....

Looks to me that as we move into the future and as it gets more fragile, we will be seeing the one ruin it for the many...

I used to so enjoy that feature on long flights....the blending of cultures over the global air traffic system..."United 821, cleared for takeoff, Goede Morgen!..." from tower..."United 821, cleared for takeoff, have a nice day, sir"...

I will miss that alot. It will be nearly impossible to bring it back. Too many lawyers, too many insurers, safe seekers....who might be listening after all?!
Gone for good...I may just have to take up flying...I mean flight lessons so I can hear that chatter again..."climb and maintain one-seven thousand"...

I remember when my son was a little guy of four years old, we were about to take-off for Honolulu..the Captain actually let me take a picture of my son with him at his side in the right seat of the Cockpit! Gone forever! I am glad I have that picture!

It is great to hear pilots introduce themselves from the cockpit. Some are minimal...they just say helo. I remember one several years ago on a long non stop San Francisco to Frankfurt. He explained so much about everything over the was to me so enjoyable....I sent him a note of thanks through the flight attendant....he responded with his business card and a personal note of thanks to me as a cusomer for my loyalty. That was good for a million miles of loyalty from me.

It is good to know your pilot. It is good to know your boss. Your mentor...those who hold your life in their hands, even at safe speeds at safe is darn good to know your pilot....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Blueflash...the Vision of your Life Purpose

It is quite have the choice to believe that you have a life purpose...and it is your job now to find it....or you have no life purpose and you will just bob like a cork on a river called "life"....

It may be to create a company...

A university...

An art school....

A global fashion institute......

A global brand..

A family company...

Raising a child...

Whatever it is, it comes from your heart and soul....

BUT, please, do not give not say I am just a --------

Dream, plan, visualize....

I have been there, I know....I had to do it....

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Anthony Hopkins, Sir, Welcome to the Blueflash!

Wow! First of all it relates to where I am today and how I saw this news item. I am in Hanoi and reading about world news from the official government newspaper in English, Viet Nam News...I am not sure I would have seen this item in the San Diego Union-Tribune...

One of our favorite actors won the Oscar for his performance as Hannibal Lecter...Sir Anthony could walk onto any stage anywhere with any script and dazzle the audience with his brilliant acting...

He was knighted by the Queen.....he received the Oscar....
Lifetime achievement.....NO! NOT!

He is painting his life away....from now on....daily, he is an artist.
He paints daily in his Malibu (Southern California) home....sells his prints for $1802 each in today's market....has a nation-wide exhibit underway with 50 of his paintings...

Interesting....he paints by knife, and does masks! He as am I, into eyes....

Blueflash? Of course, he is a free soul, wild and free, to do what he wants to be....

He is obviously in what some would call 'second career'....
He is in my words 'living out his second blueflash' an artist, a good one receiving major compliments from the art community......and here is the quintessential thing for you to hear...

He does not need to do is his is the heart of the artist...
he cannot be stopped....this flow has strength and power and destiny behind it....

And, it is his second burst of wind in his is his what he declares to put down here on this planet as his heart and soul speaking...

Sir Anthony, nice work, sir....stay young with your art.........stay with life!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tough Love for Non-Believers

First of all, we forgive you for what you do not believe....or what you may not yet have come to believe, or what you may find it hard to believe....or what you absolutely refuse to believe....


Yes, we forgive you....

Because you are part of the human race just doing its best to get through every day in every way...

NOW, are you ready.........?

Life is just too short...
Opportunities are just within your this keyboard...
You cannot give up....

No mercy. Human equal right to die or thrive......
No mercy for those who just want to pack it up.....
Mercy for us all who will believe in the sunrise of tomorrow...
....the 4 great flashes in everybody's life, age 12 to 92....

Tough love means we nurture you but if you show signs of counterdependence....killing the mentors who have brought you,
or dis-ing those who love you....OK....we is your life cycle....

Tough love means ...I love you....through pain, ectsacy, letdown, whatever...

It is,still and always, means, I love you.

Whiteflash is brave stuff. It means we love when it is so difficult to tough that it demands from us us our inner most part of love....our deepest heart, our strongest heart......

Whiteflash gives us strength to handle these moments....mostly with children, sometimes with students, spouses, friends, lovers because we are not alone in the teaching....

Pinkflash can have its tough moments, for sure, but when extraordinardinary events start to pile up on one relationship, son, daughter, wife, husband, friend, colleague, lover....we are put in the position of offering our wisdom....those moments usually bring 'tough love' responses....totally natural...."just grow up and get tough!" is the message universal...

Through it all is love, though its message can get easily misunderstood...
Love is the basic gold standard for us all....families....marriages, parenting, colleagueship...lovers and friends...

"Tough" is part of the fabric. It is not easy to chew. It scratches against your smooth body...

But it means everything. It is tough love...brave, brutal, open,wild, and free...

It confounds us and is the glue of our lives with each sticks us together and makes us bonded...

If you wish to disregard all this, worse, discredit its merit....OK.
Accept, that many strive to understand their equation of whatever age....
They seek purpose...they seek that their whole life makes order to make it make sense, they conclude that loving through toughness was the only way....

That is a clarion concert that plays in so many, many lives....we love our children...our ultimate gift is that we may be tough in our love but we are still here and will be for them...

I prefer sweet love to everything else. I will take tough love over no love anytime, always....

I will always prefer to give sweet, tender love. When necessary, I will make it tough love...

I hope to never have to love....

Everything is possible if we can just believe...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Top Three Groups of Seekers....A Hunch

My hunch is that there are really three groups, say, one third of the population each. If you read my last blog, you know what this about...

The top third is aware of their need to fulfill some destiny. They are consciously seeking a lifework where everything makes sense, where it's all down to a concrete project, life activity or professional quintessence.

One third, the middle third, are seeking, but not so aware of it. They are in some pain....if you talk to them. They show signs of search mode. But they are not so focused. They have the great potential to get focused if they hear the message.

The lower third have given up, just don't believe or ask fate to deliver them from their misery. Maybe the message can reach some of them. These are also good, decent folks. They raise kids, pay taxes, and maybe even die happy. They would laugh at the idea of lifetime fulfillment. They may even scorn those who seek the pursuit of happiness.

My message is that it is there for the taking. Blue flash and all. I cannot do it for folks, but I sure can sing this song....

Destiny...The Top Three Signals

How do we really know if 'destiny' is a viable concept for our lives and careers?
Three areas of research and scholarship support the idea that if it does not exist, at least people think it does and act as if it does....

David McClelland and his many students and followers at Harvard studied the need for achievement. There are 'high achievers' everywhere, in every culture....about ten percent of any group, culture, population...ther are ambitious and believe that they need to be ambitious.

Maslow, one of the most famous contemporary psychologists, claimed that we all eventually reach for the highest and deepest self bring into reality our most creative and personal feel ultimate fulfillment...

The career-lifework research of Po Bronson and others established that some people, in fact, many people seek a deep, fulfilling central lifework. My own research and that of my doctoral students shows that about one third of a sample of Southern California people are conscious of seeking a single lifework or central project in their life.

So, if the research points to a segment of every population striving for a central life purpose, why would we not call that 'destiny'. That word has BIG, spiritual implications! It could be as simple as a 'destination'. Or as profound as 'predestination', the idea that every person has a unique destiny, precisely known in advance by God, but left to us to find somewhat blindly through life's trials and tribulations. Which is it? Which extreme?

To make matters more complicated yet, where does destiny come from? Is it crafted by outside forces, by our parents, or uniquely by ourselves from what we experience?
Most psychologists I know would say the latter is the safest comes from our unique life experiences and the direction that we find from that.

I do believe we get signals about destiny and life from within. We experience some things and say, "I like that"....or, "That turns me off". But it takes many of us years just to understand the signals....what they are saying to us from within....the inner voice....our intuition...consciously seeking what we want, even sometimes not clearly knowing what we want....yet striving to figure it out.

This I have called "the conscious seeking".

The opposite is an absolute fatalist. He or she believes there is no choice. It is written somewhere. There is no point in even thinking about it...

I rejected that way of believing and living long, long ago. For myself, it had to be that there was something I was supposed to find. Some perfect combination of things I liked. I was so lucky, I was right for myself. And I found it at 42, halfway through life expectancy!

My view of my destiny is that it is not a lifetime achievement award, but a purpose that leads on to other purposes....

It is not a sunset cruise, but rather a sunrise spectacular!

Destiny is worth finding. If you don't believe in one, I think you may be surprised someday. Destiny will find you. Somebody or something will walk into your life and say, "Surprise!, I am here!" And the game changes that day, that moment.

All of us who exist came here through two parents. Those parents met somewhere on this planet, somehow, some wierd and wonderful way. What were the statistical chances? Nearly impossible. Yet you are here. You are your own destiny. Now that you are finally arrived, let's find out what we are supposed to do with our time...

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Most Amazing Flash of Pink

I just had lunch with a colleague and close friend here in Taiwan. His daughter and her husband met in the most amazing of ways...

Each had a dog and used to walk the dog in the same park. The dogs met and liked each other....

Now they are all married....

Proves my point....

No human plan could have ever hatched this splendor, this magnificant, exquisite meeting of two hearts....maybe two more on four legs each!

Wow, I have heard of some interesting 90 degree angles and angels, but none as beautiful as this....

There is hope for everything in every conceivable way...

....Just an extraordinary moment in an average day.....

The Four Top Flashes of Life .....Maybe

There may be more than four great types of these moments, but this blog and the forthcoming book will deal with what I have called "The Four Great Flashes of Life", pink, white, blue

One thing I know, no matter how much a person believes in being inner directed, self reliant, matter how much meditation, what kind of meditation (and I believe it is all good), what kind of inner pathways one creates to one's heart and soul....the greatest things in life....the big surprises....the game changers...the life changing events....come from the outside....they cannot be steered, created, channelled, manifested by one's own self power.....

Think about it for a minute....the most profound things that happen to us happen from 90 degree angles...they come in the side door...who we we met that we met all the persons we love or have we found our we got that first important job....all this happened through others....through outside forces..."accidents"....there are no accidents...

Oh, yes, we must be ready...we can help ourselves, we must stay healthy and alert...sometimes we must "play injured", when it is even difficult to go on...BUT, it happens just in front of us, within arm's is a force of human nature...of life...we must work the inside....and be prepared for people to show up right to our side or in mysterious ways...those people are who we are looking for....they have the answers to our questions which we cannot answer totally alone...

I have known people who hunger for someone to love....they look and create lists...go in search mode...optimize their serach mode....

The best matchmaker is what happens maybe when we just relax and let that person just show up...

I have known people in search crisis for their lifework, their calling in life, their professional big thing....they search for rationality becomes their mode of thinking....I was there for about ten years myself....then when it all seems like lost effort, when you are totally exhausted, something happens....

How can I know this for sure, you ask? I cannot give it to you. What I can do in this writing is to ask you to believe that it will come....

You cannot stop the strong river flowing....get in the river....enjoy the ride...something, somebody will show up...

The four forces of life are true forces...they have their own life and force in your cannot evade or stop them...but you can be aware of them and look for them in your life everyday....

A beautiful morning here in Taiwan...the coffee is strong, jet lag is gone...on to a great day!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

What I See in You: For All Valentines...

Happy Valentine's Day from Taiwan! Yes, it is universal, maybe worldwide now...the day that we celebrate the romance in our sparks and pinkflashes in high gear!

So here is my offering of a poem for all those who love someone special on this day...

It took place between Romeo and Juliet, but was never released until now....

Juliet: Romeo, so what do you see in me? I am just a bee
I have won no beauty pageants...can't you see...
I am even quite nervous, sometimes quite contrary...

Romeo: Juliet, you ask...what do I see in you?
Let me tell you I see your eyes, but your eyes I look through...
And I see your inner beauty...which is so true...

Juliet: Romeo, what I see in you...
Is what you see in me...
It is so deep, forever like the sea...

The pinkflashes in our lives are moments when we realize our deep closeness and passion for a loved one. I have come to believe it is not outer beauty that is the important part. It is what we see just inside the other person we are loving....we look not at their eyes, we look through their eyes and see their true heart and soul.

We see their outer beauty and it is real. We see their movement and it is at home with our own...we get to know their culture and "demographics", and it may be far from ours.....

But, this is the person who we see deeply beyond their eyes...and they see into us as deeply...when that happens the music plays....we dance....and we see the face we look into their eyes...see what you may will know if this is the face that touches you...the face you will touch...its the magic of inner beauty and hearts that are close...

It is the essence of our moments of the Pinkflash...
Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

You Are a Star in Your Own Movie

Hollywood and Los Angeles have been the global epicenter of media and the movie industry for a century. People from all over the world come there....why? They want to be a star. Yes, Jimmy Stewart, Ronald Reagan, Bruce Willis, Sandra Bullock, Kevin Kostner, Madonna, ....all of them came and heard the call....they say that is a clear call...

This city has had a phrase to describe this..."if you want to be a star, or are one, this city will find you..."

It is amazing. I actually know some real people who do bit parts in movies and TV....deep down, they want to be discovered....they sacrifice lots just to have a small part in a movie on the hope that they will get a bigger, maybe a big part.

This is drive. It is real deep within the person. It is passion and a certain lack of fear.

Connection with the Blue Flash? A big connection....when people find their calling in life, they have been discovered and they are a big star in their own real life movie....

They are on stage....people are watching....but it does not bring brings the confidence that destiny is calling.....

Real "Star Power"....that's what it is to have found your own real life holding the Oscar....

Don't be afraid....all stars are human...many of the greatest ones have already left us. You are in great company....stand tall, take a deep breath, get ready for feeling like a star! You are one in the making....we all is just that some don't yet know this secret. Now you do. Take two....roll the cameras....

Monday, February 8, 2010

Whiteflash Experiences

The Whiteflash happens once in a while or once in a lifetime. We don't know why, or is about those moments when we actually may believe that we are reveiving a gift from God, Creator, or sacred places. The gift may be a message, a messenger, or an event that is the answer to a deep plea or prayer for help...

It is a wake-up call.

It shakes you to your roots.

You say after it happens, "there are no accidents"....something out of the normal just happened.

What I do know, is that when it has happened in my life, I had made myself clear that I needed help. I had asked for assistance.

In one case, I made a promise that if I would get help, I would return it, somewhere, sometime, from my heart. That is what I have called "The Promise". It binds us to our source and may be a transaction beyond our human understanding.

Requests for assistance vary in nature. Some are for others. Some are deeply for ourselves. I cannot judge, except to say, in my life, I have something more in favor of asking for others than for myself. I may be wrong here, but that is just my own take on the nature of The Promise and gifts which may come.

An exciting flash is when things just magically seem to messengers showing up....uninvited...surprise...guess who is here!!!

These moments cannot be controlled, steered, planned, photographed, recorded, or stopped in motion...their force is just too strong....the wind is too great...the gift too needed to be put aside.

White, because, white is the color of God, the source of life and death as well. It signifies pure light, truth and sacred, crackling air...

It is mostly good in nature, but it is truly the sound and light of our higher power showing us a path in the darkness....

More of my own stories to come....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Other Flashes

Let's see, we have talked alot about the blueflash...that moment or day on which you see your destiny, your purpose in life unfold in front of you....we have just begun the very, very difficult and wonderful discussion of the pinkflash, that time when you are caught, like it or not, in a furious but splendid rush of romance....

There are two other special creschendos of life...the greenflash, and the whiteflash....

We will now bonce around among these four great moments of life....the book on all this is due for summer, 2010, so just hold on....

Green flashes are a matter of scientific proof....the small bright flash of green light as the sun disappears over the horizon on an exceptionally clear night horizon....I saw one once...on the beach in Oahu, Hawaii in February, when you can see 100 is rare, it requires us to seek it may or may not be there, depending on conditions....this is the great metaphor for those moments we have in nature....

We need nature...we need sunlight, some of us more than others...

More to come on the green flash.....lots more....

The whiteflash....those moments when events just seem too serendipitous or sacred to be have the sense that God, if you are a believer, may just be giving you a signal...these moments may be beyond us to control or even hope for...they come like, we can ask for signals, such as in prayers, but, nothing is guaranteed. Usually, whiteflash moments are benevolent and kind to us....sometimes they save us....they are beyond our understanding, but we do recognize them....

OK, that is the whole scope of where we are headed.....get ready for the ride of your life....if we can get these four flashes clear, look for them, experience them, we are headed to a full life and we can say we have pursued happiness....

In the weeks and months ahead, we will discuss these much more, share real life stories, I will share some of my own, and then, we will see what we have...

It is worth the complete journey and focus...
Much more on the way, as always....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Pinkflash Is About Love, but What Is Love About?

There are so many damn questions and quandries about romantic love. Incidentally, when we say 'romance', we are not talking about love for an animal, a hobby, a song, or a favorite sports team.....we are talking about the pssionate bond between two humans.

We are talking about a lifetime of they worked out or did not....and what this is all about...

My contention is that a fulllife includes this kind of love....romantic love, once, twice, or many begs the question: can there be a full life without it?

Where is the training for this if it is so important? I believe it comes from its origin....mother-love, then later parents, then an endless string of influence....including Hollywood and fantasy...

The training is by some kind of luck....some may get it,some may not....some may even miss love at birth, resulting in later-life consequences....

The pinkflash is when we become consumed in the affection for is the ultimate gift of ourselves....we may look graceful and elegant, or look like ultimate clumsy fools, but we still go all the way....we give and want to receive....

Mysteris abound. Questions surround this paradise. Why now, some ask. What age is approprite, and we all know, this kind of love and when its magic hits as the pinkflash, it is ageless....from twelve to ninety two....

How many times should it happen in one good life? Is it best if it is just once? What if it happens five times? Does that cheapen life?

Some believe in the "one life-one love" ideal. Surivors know that is truly an ideal. Real survivors know that life brings us close with other hearts and souls too often than may even be comfortable.

How do we act? How sould we act out, play out our love? Should we see where it might go? What if we have other loves to consider?

Maybe the pinkflash has more potential for problems than it does happiness. Then should we shrink back and live in a safe zone of ambivalent love?

The pink flash is true is freefall is one of life's great gifts...but it is also playing with can we know where it is headed?

To act on love, to dance the dance, to look away, to run....these are among the toughest decisions in a full life.

I define a full life as even one with great pain, but one in which before we die, we can say we have experienced the splenour of deep closeness and surrender.

The pinkflash cannot be planned, reversed, controlled, erased, avoided or stopped. When you may least wish it to be there, it is right in your life. When you want it, it eludes you like a dream...

What is certain, is that it will happen, probably at least once...

Get ready for one of the most powerful forces in the universe to show its face to the face of that will have the chance to touch that face....and be remind you of its power....

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Shift of Flashes

OK, here goes....

There are three other big flashes in a life that is about the pursuit of happyness.
Today, we will jump to the second....the Pinkflash...

This is about romance and love in our lives.

Everybody, sometime, someplace must fall....

I mean out of a out of a high place...there is a loss of complete control....all of a sudden you are moving fast, very fast and your heart is beating faster....maybe moving faster than your mind can have to surrender or you may crash....but you may still crash anyway....

This is about what some call 'falling in love'...serious romance....deep connection to another heart and soul...

Most human people who are honest will share that it has happened to them not once but several true times in their life....resulting in a relationship, maybe marriage, maybe tragic separation....

Ageless....90 years on the planet and some have still fallen....they lose themselves in another and live longer....

This is just an opener for this great flash and its discussion. Just ask youself, and be honest....have you ever fall...? Don't be may not be your choice....but you will never forget this as one of the great gifts of your life.

More to come...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Global Clock

Just back from Turkey and next week Taiwan, then Vietnam, then back to Caifornia before going back to France.....

I think it may be possible to cross so many time zones in a few weeks, that one truly wakes up in the morning somewhere, in some hotel in some city, looks at the ceiling, and it truly takes about fifteen seconds to figure out where you are!!!

If we are "global" and wanting that in our life, we better be ready for it. That means your constitution must be strong. I often say "we must be tough"...that also means staying healthy.

It also means that we need to be ready to adjust our psychological geography as well....

What is the connection with the bueflash? It is this. In blueflash living, even though it is our ultimate destiny and we are happy, we must be ready, adaptable and in our ever evolving global business world, we need to get into the "zone" of timelessness with our work. This is where we lose a sense of the actual clock time and we become engrossed in our work....why....because we are operating at the peak, the core of our chosen existence....we have no choice.

There is no such thng as overtime. We live overtime. We measure minutes, hours, days in passion, not clocked "time"

BUT, we must love this or we must just settle into one time zone and rid ourselves of the pursuit of excellence, achievement and destiny. Can we run and hide from destiny? I don't think so....

So, what time is it? It is global time. Welcome to living for destiny!