We have one life to really live here now and love here now... let's find out the best of 'what, who, where, and how'...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Clear Life Vision....Is This Not the Blue Flash!

Phrases sometimes stick! Even when they are our own...created by accident...

I came upon the words.."clear life vision" it sticks...that is the moment when we see our life backwards and forwards and it makes sense. What a rare moment.

Some say they see this when they face imminent death....after a car crash while in the emergency room...awaiting death...their life flashes before them...everything is clarified...they are never the same when they survive...they make changes and life becomes a better, clearer life...what is the mechanism here? What is this all about? Have they really "touched the face of God", as some would say, and lived to make changes and sometimes profound changes...why do we need to feel such pain, even near-death, to be able to reach so far down into our soul, to see what we need to have clear life vision...

There are no distinct psychological or even theological theories or research studies to nail this down...this quintessential phenomenon of transformation...yes, there are some concepts, constructs but no complete theories to explain the mechanisms...

Yet, we know that about one third of the population will experience the life fulfilling moment of what we have called the "blueflash"....when they see their life purpose all unfold into an algorithm, a formula for living, and achieving something that brings all their history together into a central project...something they say that makes their whole life make sense and worth living...

The other two thirds...?

Maybe half of that group finds partial fulfillment, not central, but partial purpose and happiness...

The other third, I fear, may lives lives of quiet frustration and lack of fulfillment...

Where are you, you may wonder? How can you fulfill this destiny or even find it? What is the search all about? How can you get clear life vision?

My hunch is that it starts with the "vision" we see things and if it is really looking at things as they clear and real, or as we want things to be. If we want "paradise", we want things as we wish them to be, people and places...if we see things as they really are, we are begnning to go down the path toward clear vision...

Yet, pain and hard work seem to be part of the long path most of us need to get the clear picture of our total life path...what the whole thing is all about...and maybe leading us somehow through the as yet indescribable part called the conversion or transition to whole life vision...what we are supposed to do with our life...the concept is clear, the mechanics and formularies are seems each of us has an extremely unique set of life circuitry to get through before that is possible...

Some of us yearn so much to get through that...and some of us did...

Not without outside intervention of agents of insight, maybe "angels", or just people and forces beyond us or any possible logical explanation....

Thus we needed to wait it out, ever yearning, seeking, experiencing...with or without the faith that something, someday, somebody would appear and help us make it...

That part of the formula...when, where that magical stuff comes from, why it does, and how it does...we and our ancstors will wonder at for the ages...but sure as the sun rises on the San Diego eastern horizon, and sure as I will have my morning coffee to greet it, those forces will come....they are out there...we are waiting and greet them with open hearts and hungry souls...

Clear life will be here by afternoon, blue sky...the path we have been searching for all along...

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