We have one life to really live here now and love here now... let's find out the best of 'what, who, where, and how'...

Friday, October 29, 2010

My Bear....Child...Doggie...Art?

If you see my blog pic, it is me with Bear, our Pomeranian.  I brought Bear into the world when he was born...16 years ago...he looked like a little bear then....and he does now....16 years....still a little bear..

Each year, we are closer.  Bear has lost his hearing.  He still kisses me like he always did.  Now I am his friend....he knows his age....he is getting close to the rim....when he goes, I will be a total basket case.

Doggies are truly loving....they are like children.  Yet they cannot laugh like we humans can...and they cannot produce art.

Producing art from within is the human gift...the destiny....I do not know any animal story where the animal produces something creative from their soul and they enjoy doing much that they are like 'reborn'...

Thus, as we hold our loved pets....they are like children....they depend so much on us...without us to protect them, they are nothing.....they would be lost....

We shower our love on them like children...yet they cannot make the step that is made by a true child....who lives for art....the Creator's gift to express some kind of form and beauty in the world.

These creatrtures just want our love and to love us....and we do and they do....

Bear is something special in my life....will always be....his love is love is real....his art is rather is just his love!

1 comment:

  1. animal love is real, real art...I had a beloved dog for 5 years, she past was a sad story about her death...but memories about her put a smile on my face...
