We have one life to really live here now and love here now... let's find out the best of 'what, who, where, and how'...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Earthquakes....Enough, Already....Let's Get on with Whiteflash....Are You Ready?

Serendipity...the occurance in time of uncanny events, happenings which have no logic...they appear to be coincidences...

Some twenty or so years ago, I experienced about thirteen amazing events in the space of about four weeks.  I was so marvelled that I actually started counting them and writing them down...

One was that I had a close personal professional friend.  I drove to Los Angeles about 3 hours to pick up my aunt to visit us.  Halfway through the drive, I was overtaken by my thoughts of Margaret, my friend.  I stopped for gas at halfway point.  There she was with Jim, her husband.  We all said a big "hi" was for me quite amazing....

For the next weeks, there seemed to be a string of uncanny "accidents".  I was so overwhelmed, I made a list...  To this day, Margaret and I have a joke about this type of thing...we just laugh...knowing....

My father in law died about fifteen years ago.  He was a Taiwanese farmer.  I attended the funeral as a member of the family, and it was profound, let me tell you.  Culturally, the funeral was so different than what I would have known in my American culture.  The Taiwanese traditional religion and family embraced me.  I was so overwhelmed, I took notes for my life diary....

Now, years, later, when I am with my wife's family in the mountain village, I take solitude and take the motor scooter up into the mountains....I go to the burial site.  No one knows.  But me.  I find solitude there.  I see the mountains and the valleys.  I remember the funeral and all the family love that was shown.  I never knew my father in law that well, but I seek solitude and peace in those valleys and hills and sit there alone and give thanks for my life.

Whiteflash moments are with us all our lives, we just need to see them....

Obviously, more to come.  This flash is so big, we could talk forever....
Whiteflash lives forever....Whiteflash is forever!!!

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