We have one life to really live here now and love here now... let's find out the best of 'what, who, where, and how'...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Santa at the Speed of Love....Merry Christmas!

Malls this time of year are where the most amazing things are seen and heard.
Today, on Christmas Eve, I overheard a young daughter ask her Mom, as they waited in line...
      "Mommy, how can Santa reach all of our homes tonight?  All over the world...?"

I thought about this one, too, back when I waited in such lines...
...I always believed he would come to my house...
...but it seemed as I got older that there were such a lot of houses out there...
...those raindeer must get pretty tired, but, oh, well, he would always come... my house...and this little daughter's as well...

The Mom was right to the point...she said,
..."It is like this...Santa flies faster than the speed of light...
....he flies at the speed of love!"

That was good enough for me.  Even today!

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