We have one life to really live here now and love here now... let's find out the best of 'what, who, where, and how'...

Thursday, December 23, 2010


I remember a great film ("One Magic Christmas")years ago in which the star, Mary Steenbergen, played the role of a wife and mother who was so stressed at Christmas that she was delivered to meet a Christmas angel....and that meeting made all the difference....she came back to life, for herself and her family.

The angel was a stranger.  I guess they often are.

But, if there are angels out there, they are somehow more present at this season, when people need deliverance and help.  If we can believe in this, or something close, I believe we are strong.  If they really don't exist and are not out there, and we still believe, it seems it may just be one of the greatest errors we could make! 

I decided this year, I will tell some people if I think I have spotted an angel, and if it is them.  A few of my close friends have heard me say this, but it is between them and me.  It is not something that should be shared with all.  Angel-spotting is a very personal and private thing.  If you believe like me, and feel brave, and feel you see one, just try it...see how giving that gift is given and received.  It is like the sound of a raindrop on a flower is there, but it is so gentle. 

Sharing our deepest faith with a friend is sharing our soul....and there may not be a greater gift.

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