We have one life to really live here now and love here now... let's find out the best of 'what, who, where, and how'...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Creating Distance

Do you realize why we do this....create distance even with those whom we love deepest on this planet?
    ...we fear being close because maybe we cannot handle it...or maybe they cannot...
    ...we fear hurting the other if we gesture love but cannot fulfill their hopes and dreams...
    ...we fear being hurt ourselves....
    ...we are not sure of ourselves and our future...
    ...we fear being totally honest....because we might be wrong what we think...
    ...we fear total trust and makes us look weak, when we think we should look strong.

When we truly say, "I love you" surrenders all.
There is no more fear....

In this cold, digitally pure and so politically correct world....
If it came to a moment of our death or life...on a given morning or evening...
....or an accident that brought the screeching halt to our life.... those icy cold, super hot moments....we sometimes can be frigidly cold or dazzlingly hot....
.......and surrender to total honesty...ultimate honesty and say....

.....something from our soul that may be heard forever....
........for us and for those whom we care most deeply about....

We live in our memory for the golden moments with those we love...
Those are the times of our Ship of Friends....

Yet we have every day here and now...every moment and with each one that escapes to the clock...
.....and the calendar....we are lost...

So, tomorrow, I vow, to not create distance, but to create the opposite.... I can do that in this world....will be a gift I ask for each day.....

It must be my actions, not thoughts, my touch, not my wish for touch...
...It is in creating space and close, warm space that I must do and share with...
.....those who have been given to me and those who stand out and wish to join.....
......the Ship of Friends.....all we ever have and had here with us....

I create distance with my environment...with my hands and heart, I make distance...
...become nothing.

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