...from tiredness, anticipation, perspiration and the unknown....
...from the lack of a friendly face to say "would you like to have a cup of warm tea?"
These places, faces are with us...they link our world. We must pass through them...
They are like hotels.....warm tea, maybe?
They are like museums...like a stellar exhibit of people and art.....waiting for coffee...
Airports are places where we meet and say goodbye....
We can select a soft goodbye...two hours with coffee cake and kisses...
But the goodbye happens, at some stark point, when the clock dictates, it moves us....
But it moves us to the best and last human touches of hand to face, fingers to lips and lips to lips....
Airports move our hellos and goodbyes, always have, always will...
...so. I now look for the next time..airport...will bring her to my arms....
Warm tea, waiting....forever....then life happens in an instant when we can meet and hug and say hello...
after a long spell.....that seems forever until we smell the tea!
Together in each others arms....the tea smells sweeter....and it always will